Adelda Health Inc. is dedicated to making enviromentally conscious products for the dental industry. We are constantly sourcing the globe for products that will make our planet a safer and secure place for generations to come.











amalgam storage

Adelda Health Inc.
6560 W Rogers Circle, Unit 14
Boca Raton, FL 33487 USA




  1. Why should our dental office use Amalgam Safe™ and Capsecure™? These OSHA compliant products ensure that your patients and dental office staff are not exposed to the hazards of mercury vapor during the preparation of amalgam and through the improper storage of open or used amalgam capsules.


  3. What are the symptoms of mercury poisoning?
    Symptoms typically include sensory impairment (vision, hearing & speech), disturbed sensation and lack of coordination. The type and degree of symptoms exhibited depend upon the individual toxin, the dose and method, and the duration of exposure.

  5. How long are Amalgam Safe™ and Capsecure™ guaranteed for?
    They are guaranteed for one year.

  7. Where can we buy Amalgam Safe™ and Capsecure™?
    They are available from our 3 distributors, Henry Schein, Pattersons and Benco. There is a direct link to all 3 distributors on the product page at

  9. How can I dispose of the waste amalgam and spent amalgam capsules?
    Take your filled Amalgam Safe or Capsecure container and using the prepaid USPS label, send it back in the box in which we supplied it or any secure box.

  11. What should I do with my precious metal dental scrap (crowns, etc.)?
    With every order of Amalgam Safe or Capsecure we will include a Star Refining Dental Scrap Jar for your scrap crowns. When the jar is full please return to Star Refining for the best returns on your precious metal scrap. For more information on precious metal scrap refining please go to or call 800-333-9990.